Generation Alpha: What Marketers Should Know About the Largest Generation Yet

Remaining relevant in the marketing landscape isn’t just about adopting new trends, strategies, and tactics—it’s about knowing your audience. And soon, we’ll be welcoming a new generation of consumers: Generation Alpha. Born between 2010 and 2024, they’re projected to be the largest in the world’s history, numbering almost 2 billion by 2025. Here’s what we’ve observed so far about Generation Alpha, and what that means for your upcoming marketing segmentation strategies.
Activism and Social Justice Are Priorities
Gen Alpha is already expressing interest in world, social, and environmental issues. They care about sustainability and want products that minimize climate change and are environmentally friendly. This increased awareness can, in part, be traced back to increased screen time and social media access where they can learn and better understand the world around them.
They’ve seen the impact of a trending hashtag to bring about change in a matter of no time. They’ve watched teen influencers affect political campaigns and speak out in recent social media movements. Be authentic and transparent about your brand, products, and services. Brand equity will be huge for Gen Alpha—they care about your company’s social and environmental impact and want to see that you show responsibility and honesty. They also care that you’re aware of social issues and prioritize equality.
Technology is Expected
Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century, aka a thoroughly digital world. By age three, 35% of Gen Alpha youth are introduced to technology, and screens serve as entertainers, pacifiers, and educational aids. Mobile phones, not TVs, are now the most used device among 8–11-year-olds’. In 2010—the year Gen Alpha started being born—the iPad was launched, and Instagram was created, which doesn’t seem like a coincidence.
This generation is digitally literate and tech-savvy, uniquely visual in how they consume content, and highly socialized through online connections.
Online Games or In-Person Activities?
Playing games for fun is the most popular activity 8-11-year-olds do online, surpassing watching videos and listening to music. But now that in-person activities are back on the rise, Gen Alpha is increasingly interested in taking trips and vacations.
While Gen Alpha youth have more access to devices, they also want to experience the real, physical world around them, suggesting a rising tension between the two options. A shift towards metaverse-like environments seemed to have hit the sweet spot. With immersive and creative tools, Gen Alpha youth can create their own worlds with their friends and socialize in imaginative, virtual reality life. One platform, Roblox, has seen significant growth, with over half of 8-11-year-olds playing.
Marketing efforts should lean on youths’ creativity and desire to contribute, not just consume. Incorporate interactive marketing tactics, like user-generated content, to involve this audience and engage them with your brand.
Gen Alpha Has Purchasing Influence
Gen Alpha’s product preferences are the number one factor driving their parents’ purchases. In fact, 70% of parents say they consult with their child before buying a product the child would use.
Gen Alpha youth have more access to more information, more options, and more diversity of opinion, and are thus given a voice of their own. They aren’t interested in brands pushing their product on them; rather, they’re influenced by their peers and take cues from their parents who are increasingly health and safety conscious.
When it comes to marketing, remember that parents still hold the purse strings for the Gen Alpha children. Ensure your messaging applies to the concerns, preferences, and prioritize of both generations.
While there are still many unknowns about this upcoming generation, already we’ve noticed how socially aware and digitally savvy Gen Alpha youth are. Thinking about what motivates and drives them now ensures your marketing team is ready to interact with them meaningfully and successfully in the future.